Work priorities of the Institute:

  • development of the concept of the pathological process, based on the idea of the informative nature of regulatory processes of the organism and of the informative essence of man;
  • study of the information media as the basis for the functioning of living systems staged on different cell cultures as natural indicators of the presence of this medium; 
  • study of information media and its impact on human health and life expectancy; 
  • detailed study of the basic imbalances of the signal system of the organism in the pathological processes and the identification of the appropriate indicators for such imbalances; 
  • determine the basic elements of the human information system and methods of their implementation in signal molecules; 
  • substantiate the strategic role of the quantic-informative processes in the human genome; 
  • use of the natural factors of the information medium that lead to human health restoration; 
  • search the physicochemical characteristics of the information medium through the creation of means of high sensitivity to detect such medium; 
  • creation of technical devices for diagnosing the changes in the information–energetic field of living cells, tissues, and organisms; 
  • creation of technical devices for recovery of the information–energy field of living cells, tissues, and organisms; 
  • development of new therapeutic approaches and pharmacologic strategies for impact on the pathological processes based on elimination of imbalances in the body signal system; 
  • formation of specialists in the field of information medicine capable of putting into practice the concepts and approaches developed by the Institute; 
  • spreading among the population knowledge of information medicine through scientific popular seminars, publication of scientific and educational books, creation of websites for scientific dissemination, and publication of journals in Russian and international communities of information medicine.

The Institute will conduct research in the following areas of scientific activity: 

  • In the field of information medicine and related areas of physiology and biology. It will also investigate the practical application of research results;

  • information–molecular processes in biological systems;linguistic–quantic processes in the genome of organisms;

  • reaction mechanism of biological systems from the molecular level to the level of the organism to changes in the information media and to exhibitions of different physical natures (biological, chemical, and mechanical, as well as ionising and non-ionising radiation);

  • genic–molecular mechanisms that maintain the health of the cell under conditions of recovered (normal) information medium;

  • genic–molecular mechanisms of the proliferation of healthy cells in conditions of recovered (normal) information medium;

  • physiological mechanisms that maintain the health of the human body under conditions of recovered (normal) information medium;

  • genic–molecular mechanisms of induction of the apoptosis of tumour cells in conditions of recovered (normal) information medium;

  • genic–molecular mechanisms that fight against the ageing of the cell in conditions of recovered (normal) information medium;

  • genic–molecular mechanisms of oncogenesis in cells in conditions of altered and recovered (normal) informational medium;

  • mechanisms of oncogenesis of the organism as a whole, in terms of altered and recovered (normal) informational medium;  

  • regulation of the operation of the gene and the structure of chromatin, functional genomics, and bioinformatics;

  • change of the epigenetics of the human cells in conditions of recovered (normal) informational medium;

  • correction mechanisms of metabolism of the cell and the whole body in condition of recovered (normal) information medium;

  • molecular medicine, gene therapy, stem cells, informational–cellular therapy, and informative biotherapy of tumours;

  • the structure and operation of the cell, intercellular interactions, molecular bases of cell differentiation, immunity, and oncogenesis in terms of altered and recovered (normal) informational medium;  

  • engineering of genes and proteins, and transgenesis;

  • membranology, lipidology, and metabolomics;

  • current problems of the physics of IFs;

  • current problems of wave fields;

  • mathematical modelling of the interaction of live systems with informational fields;

  • new approaches to the creation of medicines based on the principle of ‘informational medicines’.

During 14 months of work, our scientific community made a series of fundamental studies showing: ​

  1. The existence of the IF is a beneficial medium for the vitality of living tissue.
  2. The living tissues and cells are natural receivers and indicators of the existence of the IF.
  3. The IF is the base of the vital activity of living organisms, from simple cells to highly organised organisms. 

It has been proved that:

  1. The IF creates a unit of control of all functions of a living organism. 
  2. The IF affects the most important functions of the body through a large number of glands of internal secretion. 
  3. The IF activates the system of killers of the immune system, which gives hope to find the solution to the problem of neoplastic processes. 


  1. Evidence has been obtained of the effect of the IF on the function of synthesis of biologically active cells of the neuroimmune–endocrine system.
  2. Cancer has been shown to be a system process, and the imbalance of signal molecules occurs in cells, which have not been directly exposed to the neoplastic proliferation. 
  3. Conceptual notions of information medicines have been formulated as well as their informative regulatory effect. 
  4. The Institute carried out significant scientific and educational activity among the population of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Russia in general, and abroad. Twelve cycles of seminars of five days each were conducted during the last period, with the assistance of more than eighty thousand people.

The research is conducted in the San Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, in the Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology Ott of the Russian Academy of Sciences and in the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry M.M. Chemiakin and Yu. A. Ovchinnikov of the Russian Academy of Sciences.