Scientific activity

The scientific activity of IMI IAELPS includes:

  • establishment of human health maintenance programmes;
  • establishment of programmes to fight against ageing;  
  • establishment of programmes to fight against the cancer process; 
  • establishment of programmes to fight against chronic diseases; 
  • application of the results of fundamental research of the informational medium in biology, biomedicine, and environmental protection;
  • research on the effect of informational–psychological and informational–psychic influences on human health (from the body level to the molecular level); 
  • research on the human psychic processes and psychic mechanisms in terms of informational media of different modalities; 
  • determination of methods to strengthen the informational–psychical safety of man as an individual;
  • creating and maintaining contacts with scientific organisations in the field of information medicine in the Russian Federation, in the Commonwealth of Independent States and other countries, as well as with international non-governmental scientific organisations; 
    participation in international scientific programmes;
  • collecting material on the theme of the Institute in foreign libraries and forming an electronic library for the Institute;
  • organisation of scientific congresses, conferences, and symposiums of an international character with participation of foreign scientists to exchange scientific information and discuss issues arising during investigations; 
  • formation of a new image of the world from the Information-Energy Doctrine;
  • popularisation and dissemination of knowledge and the latest scientific and technical achievements of the theme of the Institute through the latest information technologies; publication of popular-science books and scientific monographs on the issues of information medicine; 
  • publication of the results of the research in scientific journals;

Research objectives:

  • the information media, primary and secondary information fields (IFs); 
  • man and the IFs of high concentration; 
  • man as an informational being;
  • man as part of the social organism; 
  • society and civilisation; 
  • the Earth as an information creation; 
  • noosphere and pneumatosfere; 
  • the complex, non-linear systems, autoregulating, autodeveloping, and targeted for specific purposes; 
  • culture and science, in information media; 
  • technique and technology as factors of imbalance of information media; 
  • the pathological process as a systemic crisis of the organism; 
  • tissues, cells and their organelles, genes, chromosomes, molecules, and IFs;

Purposes of research:

  • conduction of scientific works proving the influence of the information media in human capabilities to combat disease; 
  • creation of an integral doctrine on the unity of physical and informative worlds; 
  • development of Information-Energy Doctrine as the basis of information medicine; 
  • formulation and justification of the basic thesis of information medicine; 
  • development of a series of practical methods to fight against chronic disease and the maintenance of health and longevity of man. 

Subject: the interaction of man as an informative–energetic, biological, and social object with all the components of his surrounding environment 

Fundamental hypothesis: Natural instincts, harmonious development, and the perfection of man are damaged, so the personal characteristics are transformed in a negative way because of the current information media. This fact necessarily involves the development of chronic diseases, ageing, and premature death. However, recuperation of the normal information media promotes and stimulates processes that reaffirm and strengthen man‘s health

The scientific activity of the IMI IAELPS includes:​

  • development of health maintenance programmes;
  • development of anti-ageing programmes;
  • development of programmes to fight against cancer;
  • development of programmes to fight against chronic disease. 

The IMI IAELPS aims to become the coordinator of programmes for research and scientific contacts in the field of informational technologies in medicine.